WHO Poll

Gentile 11:36 Tue Feb 20
Is anyone old enough to remember the WHO night of the long knives?
The night that we triggered Ged into banning loads of us by suggesting he was a short haired lesbian? I recall Mike Hunt and Northern managing to get most of us reinstated some weeks later.

Ged went absolutely berserk that night. We didn't mean to tilt him and I've not seen such WHO shithousery since that fateful night.

Does anyone still remember it? I think we were on dial up modems that's how long ago it was.

Bless you my lambs.

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Dwight Van Mann 11:51 Tue Feb 20
Re: Is anyone old enough to remember the WHO night of the long knives?
didn't he get mistaken for a jean jacket wearing lesbian on a WHO booze cruise?

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